Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Biker Chick

I admit it.  It was my idea.  Mostly because I am addicted to reading blogs.  You name it, and I followed it...blogs on triathlons, running, food, finances and even fashion.  And then I wanted one of my own.  But I knew I wouldn't have enough material on my own. So I proposed the idea to Rob and Harry.  Lo and behold, they went for it.  So here we are.

                                                                     I am Cori.

 Wife to Rob.
                                                                   Mom to Harry.

When it comes to biking, I consider myself a newbie roadie.  I have a mountain bike, but truth be told, I don't love it.  I think I'm just too much of a wimp to go downhill on technical single track.  And I'm not strong enough to power up those steep inclines.  So I end up riding my brakes all the way down and whining about how I got myself in this predicament while walking my bike uphill.  But then I got a road bike and discovered that I love to go fast on beautiful country roads.  There is just nothing like tucking down while pedaling and looking down to see that you are going faster than the speed limit.  It's not something I can accomplish often, but when I do, MAN, is it exhilarating.

I still ride my mountain bike when we go out as a family.  We like to do some local rail trails, the Cape Cod Canal path and the Providence bike path.  I'll show some pictures and write some reviews as we hit them again this season.  After a winter being cooped up on the trainer, I'm very excited to finally be hitting the roads again.  Can't wait to share it all with you.

I went out solo on Monday and logged 8.92 miles at a 13.7 pace.
Next ride is scheduled for Friday.  Can't wait.

Keep pedaling!


1 comment:

  1. Cori, Rob, & Harry~
    you are the perfect all american family, ride on in peace.
