Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Pinnacle Kids' Race - An Interview with Harry Paton

Q:  What was the format of the kids' race?
A:  There were two age groups, young and old.  Maybe under eight and over eight.

Q:  You were obviously, as a new 11 year old, in the older group.  How many kids were in your age group?
A:  There were eleven kids in my group.

Q:  Did any kids have the same bike as you?
A:  No, but one kid had the same helmet.

Q:  How far was your race?
A:  One mile. 

Q:  Was it one lap?
A:  (Harry holds up four fingers)

Q:  The adults race was REALLY hilly.  Was yours?
A:  Kind of. 

Q:  Maybe you could expound?
A:  A little bit.  Is that expounding?

Mother interjecting:  You have to talk about it.

A:  They were just little bumps.  Not whoop-dee-doos, but (Harry makes waves with his hand).

Q:  How was the start of your race?
A:  Bad.  When I started out everyone else pulled out in front of me.

Q:  Were there places where you could pass the other kids?
A:  No, not really.  They weren't wide trails.

Q:  Any fun jumps?
A:  No.  Well maybe for you, but not for me.

Q:  How long did the race take, do you think?
A:  About 20 minutes.

Q:  How did you finish?
A:  Bad.  I came in eighth out of eleven because there was a girl in front of me who fell over a lot and when she did fall, she would put her bike in my way so I couldn't pass through, even though I said excuse me.  It would take her a little while to get up too. That made it so I couldn't get by and place better. 

Q:  Did you have fun?
A:  Yeah, I had a little bit of fun.  I got a medal.

 Q:  Did you watch the other kids' race or did it happen at the same time as yours?
A:  I watched it.  It was before mine.

Q:  Anything else you'd like to add about the Pinnacle?
A:  (after some whispering into his ear by his mother) I was on time for my race, unlike Dad.